VM600 MPC4 200-510-070-113 200-510-111-034 振动计
进行实时测量和监控●4个动态信号通道和2个转速表(速度) 通道,均坷单独编程
尽管使用湿球温度记录空间的湿度有着诸多实用应用,但常见的测量方法却通常无法达到所需的精度,而使用维萨拉的 HUMICAP® VM600 MPC4 200-510-070-113 200-510-111-034 振动计 传感器则可以有效解决这一问题。为了说明这一点,您可以进行简单的测试。首先,将两支温度计并排放置在一个房间里。观察读数。以下为我的测试装置的一个示例:
T1 = 22.62 °C (72.72 °F)
T2 = 22.71 °C (72.88 °F)
此时,两个传感器都在测量房间的干球温度。然后,当我用湿布覆盖其中一个温度计 T2 时,可以看到其温度读数开始下降。这是因为湿布中水分的蒸发导致温度计温度下降。 VM600 MPC4 200-510-070-113 200-510-111-034 振动计 为确保水分有效蒸发,保持适当的空气流通也很重要,因此我用到了风扇。
T1 = 22.84 °C (73.11 °F)
T2 = 16.56 °C (61.81 °F)
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VM600 MPC4 200-510-070-113 200-510-111-034 振动计
A high-quality and highly reliable 19 "6U rack designed to accommodate VM600Mk2/VM600 rack based mechanical monitoring systems. It can accommodate up to 12 mechanical monitoring cards (mechanical protection, status monitoring, and/or combustion monitoring), up to 2 power supplies (for power redundancy), a rack controller and communication interface card, and a power check relay. The sturdy aluminum structure is suitable for use in harsh environments.
VM600Mk2 and VM600 system racks for accommodating mechanical protection and/or condition monitoring systems
Sturdy aluminum structure
More space to accommodate two RPS6U rack power supplies (AC input and/or DC input) to support rack power redundancy
More space to accommodate 12 processing cards and power check relays
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE042 204-042-100-011
Vibro-meter VM600 RPS6U 200-582-200-011
Vibro-meter 200-510-017-019 200-510-111-013 VM600 MPC4
Vibro-meter 200-570-000-014 200-570-101-013 VM600
Vibro-meter 200-560-000-018 200-560-101-015 VM600 IOC4T
Vibro-meter VM600 RPS6U 200-582-500-013
Vibro-meter VM600 200-560-000-114 200-560-101-018 IOC4T
Vibro-meter VM600 200-510-041-021 200-510-111-021 MPC4
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011
Vibro-meter 200-595-100-014 200-595-072-122 VM600 CPUM
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