VM600 XIO16T 620-003-111-112扩展状态监测模块
来自测振仪产品线的VibroSight@ 兼容硬件
● 可单独配置的输入、通道滤波器、处理和输出-同时进行数据采集(固定频率或阶次跟踪)
●每100秒汇总一次内部光谱(长1 ms)的数据
●触发前和触发后数据记录时间长达100 ms
事实证明,干湿计的主要优点是可以应对高湿度和冷凝环境。此外,由于该技术测量原理简单、购置成本低,因而颇具吸引力。然而,时代已经变了,现代工业应用通常要求更精 VM600 XIO16T 620-003-111-112扩展状态监测模块 确的性能以及易用性。选择设备时,如果忽略这些方面,则可能会对总体拥有成本产生重大影响 - 长远来看,您会因使用廉价干湿计而承担更高成本。
如果您的应用场景中仍在使用干湿计,那么维萨拉的 HUMICAP 产品将是个不错的选择。我们的加热探头传感器技术即使在冷凝环境中也可以可靠地进行测量,且维护成本低,VM600 XIO16T 620-003-111-112扩展状态监测模块 甚至无需维护。如何选择合适的仪器来测量湿度和露点。
购买咨询热线:18059884797 (微信同号 )
QQ: 3095989363
邮箱: sales@xiongbagk,cn
VM600 I0C4T 200 560-000-016 输入/输出卡
VibroLight @ compatible hardware from the vibration meter product line
● VM600Mk2/M600 high-performance status monitoring
16 dynamic channels and 4 tachometer channels (also configurable as DC input)
● Individually configurable inputs, channel filters, processing, and outputs - simultaneous data acquisition (fixed frequency or order tracking)
24 bit data acquisition and high SNR data processing, with data quality inspection function ⑧
Up to 20 processing outputs per channel
Resolution Spectrum (FFT): 500 lines per 6400ms, 200 lines per 3200ms, and 100 lines per 1600ms
Summarize internal spectral data (1 ms long) every 100 seconds
● Data recording time before and after triggering up to 100 ms
● Multiple alarms, hysteresis, and delay with configurable limits for each processed output
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