VM600 AMC8 模拟监测卡对振动计
AMC8是一款模拟监控卡, 设计用于基于VM600机架的系统,用于机械监测和保护应用,来自美捷特的测振仪@产品线。这款多功能卡能够同时测量和监控多达八个模拟信号输入。AMC8卡有两个版本:“标准’ 版本和“独立电路版本,两者都使用适当的I0C8T输入/输出卡作为卡对。AMC8 卡按装在VM600机架(ABE04x 或ABE056)的前部,I0C8T输入/输出卡安装在后部。两个卡都通过两个连接器直接连接到机架的底板。AMC8/I0C8T卡对提供<>个温度监控通道,可接受电阻温度检测器(RTD) 和热电偶(TC) 温度输入以及过程输入。配置卡时,将选择每个通道的源和类型。用于热电偶温度通道的冷端补偿(CJC) 传感器处理在八个通道中的两个通道上可用,粗在配置卡时也会选择。
事实证明,干湿计的主要优点是可以应对高湿度和冷凝环境。此外,由于该技术测量原理简单、购置成本低,因而颇具吸引力。然而,时代已经变了,现代工业应用通常要求更精VM600 AMC8 模拟监测卡对振动计确的性能以及易用性。选择设备时,如果忽略这些方面,则可能会对总体拥有成本产生重大影响 - 长远来看,您会因使用廉价干湿计而承担更高成本。
如果您的应用场景中仍在使用干湿计,那么维萨拉的 HUMICAP 产品将是个不错的选择。我们的加热探头传感器技术即使在冷凝环境中也可以可靠地进行测量,且维护成本低,VM600 AMC8 模拟监测卡对振动计甚至无需维护。如何选择合适的仪器来测量湿度和露点。
购买咨询热线:18059884797 (微信同号 )
QQ: 3095989363
邮箱: sales@xiongbagk,cn
VM600 AMC8 模拟监测卡对振动计
Different versions of ABE04x system racks support different installation options to support various markets and applications. VM600 system rack with integrated VME
Backplane, which can provide electrical interconnection between installed VM600Mk2NM600 modules (cards): power supply, signal processing, input/output, relays, and CPUx 'rack controller. It also includes a power check relay located at the rear of the rack, indicating that the installed RPS6U rack power is functioning properly. One or two RPS6U rack power supplies can be installed in the VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE04x system rack. The rack with an RPS6U power supply (330 W version) supports the power requirements for the entire module (card) rack in applications with operating temperatures up to 50 ° C (122 * F). Alternatively, the rack can be equipped with two RPS6U power supplies to support redundant rack power supply or non redundant power supply for modules (cards)
Vibro-meter 200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM
Vibro-meter 200-510-041-021 200-510-111-021 VM600 MPC4
Vibro-meter 200-510-071-113 200-510-111-034 VM600 MPC4
Vibro-meter 200-570-000-014 200-570-101-013 VM600
Vibro-meter 200-560-000-018 200-560-101-015 VM600 IOC4T
Vibro-meter 200-560-000-113 200-560-101-017 VM600 IOC4T
Vibro-meter 200-566-000-012 200-566-101-012 VM600 IOCN
Vibro-meter VM600 200-510-041-021 200-510-111-021 MPC4
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011
Vibro-meter 200-595-100-014 200-595-072-122 VM600 CPUM
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