VM600 CPUR2 机架控制器振动计
VM600 CPUR2和I0CR2机架控制器和通信接口卡对是一对中央处理器(CPU) 卡, 可用作美捷特振动计产品线的VM600机架式机械保护系统(MPS) 和或状
态监测系统(CMS) 的系统控制器和数据通信网关。提供不同版本的CPUx/IOCx机架控制器和通信接口卡对,如下所示:
●CPUMIOCN是带有前面板显示屏的原始版本,支持Modbus RTU/TCP和PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VW-WV)
●CPUR/IOCR是具有机架控制器冗余的版本,并瓶持Modbus RTUI TCP (PNR 600-007-VW_VW)。
●CPUR2/IOCR2是具有现场总线数据数学处理功能的版本,技持Modbus TCP和PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-WV)。
空间的湿球温度表示湿表面经蒸发效果冷却后的温度。这种冷却效果视环境空气的相对湿度而定:当空气中的水分饱和时,就不会发生蒸发现象,因而不会冷却。因此,举例而言,VM600 CPUR2 机架控制器振动计 湿球温度可用于控制冷却塔,实现低成本的冷却,特别是在炎热干燥的气候条件下。如果湿度过高且湿球温度接近环境温度,则表明无需运行冷却塔,因为此时冷却塔的冷却效果微乎其微。
此参数的另一个用例是防冻,因为蒸发冷却会使湿表面温度低于环境温度。一个应用示例是使用喷洒器进行的农作物防冻。只要湿球温度保持在 0 °C (32 °F) 以上,VM600 CPUR2 机架控制器振动计 发生冻害的风险就较小。
多种不同的维萨拉 HUMICAP 产品都可用于测量湿球温度和其他计算的湿度变量。
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VM600 CPUR2 机架控制器振动计
From vibration meter @ product line
● 19 "system rack, standard height of 6U
● sturdy aluminum structure
● Modular concept allows for the addition of mechanical protection and/or condition monitoringSpecific card
● Cabinet or panel installation
The backplane supports VME bus, tachometer for VM600Mk2/VM600 system, raw and open collector (OC) buses, and power distribution
● Using VM600Mk2/VM600 RPS6U rack mounted power supply: AC and/or DC input versions
● Power check relay
The VM600 CPUR and IOCR rack controllers and communication interface cards are a pair of central processing unit (CPU) cards used as system controllers and data communication gateways for the mechanical protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) of the Meggitt vibration meter product line based on the VM600 rack. In critical applications with high failure costs, two CPURIOCR card pairs can be installed in the VM600 rack to achieve true rack controller and communication redundancy. This is a cost-effective solution that requires improving system reliability and availability.
Vibro-meter 200-595-031-111 VM600 CPUM
Vibro-meter 200-510-041-021 200-510-111-021 VM600 MPC4
Vibro-meter 200-510-071-113 200-510-111-034 VM600 MPC4
Vibro-meter 200-570-000-014 200-570-101-013 VM600
Vibro-meter 200-560-000-018 200-560-101-015 VM600 IOC4T
Vibro-meter 200-560-000-113 200-560-101-017 VM600 IOC4T
Vibro-meter 200-566-000-012 200-566-101-012 VM600 IOCN
Vibro-meter VM600 200-510-041-021 200-510-111-021 MPC4
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011
Vibro-meter 200-595-100-014 200-595-072-122 VM600 CPUM
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