M128-010-A001B 控制器模块
Moog运动控制器为各种工业应用提供了高的性能、可靠性和易用性。它们遍布全球,有助于大幅提高设备性能。PLC功能的可自由编程多轴控制器非常适合于精 确快速地控制电气和液压驱动,并通过集成传感器或传感器进行绘制。具有高度灵活性的字段部分。为了编程运动控制器,Moog提供了Moog应用软件套件(MASS)。MASS是一个基于codes 3的IEC 61131-3开发环境。为了将运动控制器或软件无缝集成到各自的客户应用程序中,Moog工程师还开发了独特的定制解决方案。
随着工业4.0概念的推进和大力发展,机器设备在协助或替代人员来更加高效、高精度的完成产品生产和加工流程,同时机器设备上高速运动的零部件可能对操作人员造成不同程度的伤害发生。M128-010-A001B 控制器模块 全球各个国家和地区都会制定相应的安全生产的法规和标准来确保,所有机器制造商都清楚,机器必须满足严格的安全要求来保护工人免于伤害。
伺服电机作为现代设备重要的组成部分,配合伺服控制器(伺服放大器)的不同安全功能,保持机器正常运转的同时为操作员提供安全保障,就会大大削弱人们绕过安全功能设施和“闯红灯”的冲动。许多以前需要关闭和重新启动的操作,现在可以在机器以降速甚至全速继续生产的情况下完成。功能安全既保障了操作员的安全M128-010-A001B 控制器模块 ,也能够大限度地提高机器生产力。在实际运用中伺服控制器可以提供除STO安全功能以外更多的安全功能选项,我们接下来挑选几种为大家进行详细解释和说明实际运用的场景。
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M128-010-A001B 控制器模块
G122-824-002 servo amplifier is used in applications where closed-loop proportional and/or integral amplifiers are required. The selection switch inside the amplifier enables proportional, integral, or both options. Many aspects of the characteristics of an amplifier can be selected through internal switches. This allows an amplifier to be used for many different applications. The configuration options provided are the result of years of design and operational experience in debugging closed-loop systems. The servo amplifier adopts analog electronics. It accepts three input signals, two single ended and one differential. These are combined to generate an error signal, which is then proportionally amplified and integrated. The proportional and integral signals are switched on and output as current or voltage to drive the servo valve. The front panel decorative basin, LED indicator lights, and test points allow for quick and easy setting and assistance in troubleshooting. The servo amplifier is installed in a compact DIN rail housing and requires a+24V power supply.