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IC698CPE030 GE 数字量输入卡件模块

  1. 强大的处理能力:它装有600MHz的Pentium-M微处理器,以及64MB的用户内存和64MB的用户闪存。
  2. 高速布尔执行速度:每1000个布尔触点/线圈的执行速度为0.069毫秒。
  3. 丰富的I/O容量:可以容纳多达32K位的离散I/O和32K字的模拟I/O。


IC698CPE030是可编程自动化控制器(PAC)的PAC系统RX7i中先进的中央处理器(CPU)之一。这款CPU的设计是为了满足现代自动化、连接和集成的行业要求。它以前是由GE智能平台(GE IP)制造的,但随着艾默生自动化近的收购,PACSystem RX7i现在是后者的一部分。

IC698CPE030处理器安装了计算机级微处理器,即600MHz奔腾- m微处理器,具有64mb用户内存和64mb用户闪存。它显示布尔执行速度0.069毫秒每1000布尔触点/线圈。这个CPU可以容纳多达32k位的离散I/O和32k字的模拟I/O。多可以将512个程序块下载到该CPU,其中每个程序块多可以具有128 KB的内存。


这个CPU也有一个(1)RS232端口;1 (1) RS485接口,1(1)站长接口。这些通信接口支持SRTP、Modbus TCP服务器和客户端、以太网全局数据(EGD)(基于以太网的通信)和Modbus RTU Slave、SNP、串行I/O(串行通信)。

GE Fanuc IC698CPE030 PACSystem Rx7i中央处理器是GE Rx7i系统的奔腾处理器。与所有Rx7i CPU一样,IC698CPE030 CPU安装在Rx7i I/O机架上,并带有VME64基础架构,可容纳新旧VME嵌入式技术,具有快速吞吐量评级。IC698CPE030 CPU配备600兆赫奔腾M处理器和电池支持的64兆处理器内存,以及用于应用程序和数据存储的64兆用户闪存。IC698CPE030处理器可以执行浮点数学和布尔逻辑函数,并可以使用梯形图、结构化文本、功能框图和C语言编程高 级用户参数。

GE Fanuc IC698CPE030 CPU支持系列90-70离散和模拟I/O模块,通信模块,系列90-70支持的VME模块,以及各种编程和HMI模块。IC698CPE030 CPU额定直流电压为+5、+12或-12伏,直流电压为5伏时背板额定电流为3.4安培。IC698CPE030具有一个隔离的RS-485串口、一个RS-232串口和一个专用的RS-232以太站管理器端口。IC698CPE030具有双嵌入式以太网(10/ 100mb)端口,提供以太网EGD (Ethernet Global Data)数据交换、TCP/IP高速数据传输,支持Modbus/TCP Server、Modbus/TCP Client和SRTP Channel协议,可与程序员和HMI设备通信。IC698CPE030 CPU配置了4.5及以上版本的ME (Proficy Machine Edition) Logic Developer配置软件,提供先进的应用编程环境,支持通过web服务器和FTP连接进行web数据监控。

IC698CPE030  GE  数字量输入卡件模块

The IC698CPE030 is one of the most advanced Central Processing Unit (CPU) from the PACSystem RX7i of Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). This CPU is designed to meet the modern automation, connectivity and integration requirements of the industry. It is formerly manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) however with the recent acquisition by Emerson Automation, the PACSystem RX7i is now part of the latter.

The IC698CPE030 processor is installed with a computer level microprocessor that is, 600MHz Pentium-M microprocessor with 64 MB of user memory and 64 MB of user flash memory. It exhibits Boolean execution speed of 0.069ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils. This CPU can accommodate up to 32 K bits of Discrete I/O and 32 K Words of Analog I/O. Up to 512 program blocks can be downloaded to this CPU wherein each program block can have a maximum of 128 KB memory.

The IC698CPE030 also has Two (2) Ethernet communication ports that is capable of auto-sensing of network transmission speed and may be configured for half and full duplex operating mode. The built-in Webserver and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) functionality is accessible via these ethernet ports, allowing users to remotely monitor and configure the processor. Aside from the built-in Ethernet ports,

this CPU also has One (1) RS232 port; One (1) RS485 port and One (1) Station manager port. These communication interfaces support SRTP, Modbus TCP Server and Client, Ethernet Global Data (EGD) for Ethernet based communication and Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O for serial communication.

The GE Fanuc IC698CPE030 PACSystem Rx7i Central Processing Unit is a Pentium processor for the GE Rx7i system. The IC698CPE030 CPU, like all Rx7i CPUs, is installed on an Rx7i I/O rack and it comes with the VME64 base architecture that accommodates both new and old VME embedded technology with a fast throughput rating. The IC698CPE030 CPU comes with a 600 MegaHertz Pentium M processor and a battery-backed 64-Megabyte processor memory along with a battery-backed 64-Megabyte user flash memory for application and data storage. The IC698CPE030 processor can perform floating point Math and Boolean Logic functions, and advanced user parameters can be programmed using the Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, Function Block Diagram, and C programming languages.

The GE Fanuc IC698CPE030 CPU supports the Series 90-70 discrete and analog I/O modules, communication modules, the Series 90-70 supported VME modules, and a wide range of programmers and HMI modules. The IC698CPE030 CPU has a voltage rating of +5, +12, or -12 Volt DC, and a backplane current rating of 3.4 Amps at 5 Volts DC. The IC698CPE030 CPU has an isolated RS-485 serial port, an RS-232 serial port, and a dedicated RS-232 Ethernet station manager port. The IC698CPE030 CPU also has dual embedded Ethernet (10/100 MB) ports that provide Ethernet Global Data (EGD) data exchange, TCP/IP high-speed data transmission, support for the Modbus/TCP Server, Modbus/TCP Client, and SRTP Channel protocols, and it can communicate with programmers and HMI devices. The IC698CPE030 CPU is configured with the Proficy Machine Edition (ME) Logic Developer configuration software version 4.5 or later which provides an advanced application programming environment, and it supports data monitoring over the web via Web servers and FTP connections.

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